The film screening and musical performance at the new NRE Space on December 22 was the 52nd activity Story House organized or hosted in 2023. That's an average of one per week! An event for every card in the deck!
Thanks to everyone who took part in one or more of those (nearly 4,000 people, by our count). And thanks to everyone who pitched us ideas and led or hosted programs. One of the most rewarding things we do is to help turn your ideas into reality.
You may have noticed that Story House Ithaca did not assault your inbox with funding appeals as the year drew to a close. Rest assured, we will make our case this spring. In the meantime, we are grateful to our many wonderful individual donors; to the companies, foundations, and organizations that have honored us with grants; and to those of you who have pitched in with a few bucks at events. Every dollar makes a difference.
But enough about all that. Happy New Year, everyone! Let's do amazing things together in 2024!